

The IO Project is the first educational project of the EPFL Rocket Team. It brought together more than 30 students who had to design a rocket-kit with constraints that pushed the creativity of their ideas. The project had to stop abruptly due to the pandemic, however they were able to launch a first version of their rocket to test their design in February. The result allowed them to learn from their mistake, and thanks to this experience the members who later joined the “Bella Lui II” project showed all the knowledge they had learned from this project.



A true flight computer, avionics rely on its sensors to analyze the state of the rocket in real time. It also transmits its data to a team on the ground to display and analyze the flight performance.


As its name suggests, the recovery aims to bring the rocket undamaged back to the ground. Using a parachute that deploys at peak altitude, the rocket descends in a controlled manner and then lands on the ground.


To bring the rocket to its peak altitude, you need an efficient propulsion system. To achieve this, we use composite propellants engines, such as those marketed by Aerotech.


This is the payload for this rocket. This year it’s an autonomous camera that gives us an on-board view of the entire flight. The video is also very interesting for flight analysis.


This is the basis of any rocket, on which all the other subsystems are assembled. Here, the structure is mainly composed of a specialized and very resistant phenolic but also of 3D printing, wood and fiberglass. This ensures the integrity of the rocket during all operations.